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welcome ALL
Bodywork Architectures wants you to expect different. Too often a body is approached as a system of parts as opposed to a whole integrated unit riddled with issues. We want you to expect to be treated as a whole body, one that regardless of beginning point is full of potential for change and alignment.
(ROLF) method tradtional receipe
Session # 1 - 3
(Superficial Fascia)
Session # 4 - 7
(Deep Fascia)
Session # 8 - 10
this is Dr. Ida Rolf's original ten series recipe developed throughout her life
(1896 - 1979)
*$225 per session for *NEW* clients*
veteran, student, or senior rate
*current clients refer to greg for price inquiries *
24 hr cancellation required or session charged
we accept paypal, cash, check or credit
payment plans avail post first session

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